Saturday, October 30, 2010

The plants need soil to grow?

If someone asks, "Do plants need soil to grow?" If the answer is "No!" Some elements and factors such as minerals, water, carbon dioxide and sunlight for plant growth. Among these elements and factors, plants obtain water and minerals from the soil. In fact, the plants need support to their root and shoot systems to support aid to facilitate the center pillar. In addition, the average operator essential minerals and water.Soils provide direct support to these plants.

There are millions of species there. Each requires different conditions for the germination and growth. "Plants", in fact, made up of different groups of plants, including algae, fungi, mosses, Pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Many species of algae grow in water with the ground. Many fungi grow as parasites on other living beings, some live as saprophytes on decaying, and dealmaterials. However, the term "facility" is generally used for herbs, shrubs and trees that are often present in all the circumstances to say - is that angiosperms and gymnosperms.

Some plants such as orchids (for example, Vanda sp. For), have no basis for their growth, their roots can absorb water and minerals from the air. The host says they live on these orchids.

Hydroponics is a farming technique for the growth of plants in water containing dissolved nutrients,landless. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots only in the mineral nutrient solution containing or in an artificial medium such as gravel, rock wool or perlite. In this technique, plants take up mineral nutrients from the solution.

Vermiculite is a group of hydrous silicate minerals of yellow or brown to possession of a mica-like (mica) structure. This material is primarily used in agricultural crops such as science laboratories,horticultural and botanical laboratories. E 'used as a soil additive for plants growing together with perlite for potted plants. It 'also used in hydroponic techniques. Vermiculite is the best way for plants developed in vitro.

Millions of containerized plants increased on an annual basis, including bedding plants, vegetables, forest trees, perennials, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, vegetable plants and vines. Most container plants are grown in a soillesssoilless culture media represents.

In conclusion, the plants need for photosynthesis, respiration and other physiological activities to perform for their growth. If the proper condition of plants, elements of law, and the factors on the right, you can grow without the help of the soil. If you provide such facilities, you can grow without soil, but the ground is the nature of the gift plants for their growth, but the land itself is not necessary for plant growth.

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1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your Blog and found useful information here.Plants need light for photosynthesis, and thus if you are growing plants indoors, you need to compensate for the lack of sunlight. What you are trying to do is recreate sunlight for your plants, and this is where LED grow light come into play.
