Friday, October 8, 2010


While eupnoea is normal breathing, hypopnea is an abnormal form of breathing when the airflow is due to a disease of the airways. In other words, is in the process of respiration. Hypopnea comes from the greek roots hypo-(meaning low, down, down, down, below normal) and pnoe (meaning breathing). Among other abnormal breathing are: bradypnea - rare and slow breathing, shortness of breath - a deep breath, shortness of breath, sometimes with cyanosis, hyperpnea - thegreater amplitude at the normal rate of respiration, tachypnea - rapid breathing accelerated oligopnea - weakening of the respiratory movements associated with shortness of breath. Hypopnea is often confused with apnea. But while hypopnea is a reduction in amplitude at the normal rate of breathing, apnea is a complete cessation of breathing.

Hypopnea can occur during sleep. In this case turn into a serious sleep disorder. hypopnea care may be characterized by repeated arrests personbreathing or respiration rate for short periods during sleep. Speaking in anatomical terms, there is intermittent upper airway collapse and reduced blood oxygen during sleep. So a sleeping person is unable to breathe normally and wakes up to its collapse. Quantity and quality of sleep is reduced, resulting in sleep deprivation and excessive daytime sleepiness. The most common physiological effects of cognitive dysfunction are hypopnea, coronaryartery disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, memory loss, heart attack, stroke, impotence, psychiatric problems. People who suffer from sleep hypopnea significant increase in the total number of road accidents. Their productivity has declined and have a constant problem and emotional tensions.

Hypopnea The most common symptoms include loss of energy, forgetfulness, excessive sleepiness, snoring, lack of concentration, depression, sudden changes in mood and behavior, morningheadache, nervousness.

It is called hypopnea index can be calculated by the number of hypopneas by the number of hours of sleep. But the measure is closely related to the apnea hypopnea usually speaks of apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). AHI is an index of severity that combines apneas and hypopneas. He calculated the number of apneas and hypopneas by the number of hours of sleep as a result. Alas, how positive is that they usually talk aboutSleep-disordered breathing, or SDB.

Although hypopneas per se is not a fatal disease if not treated properly can significantly reduce a person's life aggravating other diseases. CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is considered the most effective treatment for hypopnea. It is usually used in cases of severe hypopnea. A patient put a mask over nose and mouth, while a blower forces air through the upper airway. The air pressure is adjustedway for upper respiratory tract tissue to prevent collapse during sleep. Mild hypopnea is more conservative treatment. In most cases, treatment involves the rejection of hypopnea alcohol and smoking before bedtime, the strengthening of the muscles of the throat doing some exercises, and avoid sleeping on your back. There is also a direct comparison between weight loss and improvement in breathing during sleep. It was found that the abnormal breathing during sleep, including sleep apnea andhypopnea syndrome, obesity hyperventilation, etc., usually get better with eating disorders among overweight and obesity treatment.

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