Friday, October 1, 2010

Garden chrysanthemums in autumn

Chrysanthemum show a great diversity of color, which blends beautifully with the bronze and gold colors of autumn. Pompon chrysanthemums are durable and are the last of the races to come into flower.

The single flowering varieties are prolific and abundant seeds drop, so in the spring, many plants can be harvested and replanted where they need to thrive.

The first flower blooming chrysanthemums for about six weeks afterOctober. Many of these plants do not survive a harsh winter, so a pair should be kept protected in a cold frame as a warehouse. In spring, the roots can be divided as many plants as necessary.

The chrysanthemum flower is quite easy to grow as it grows happily in many different soil types, provided that soil is well drained. Too much water in the soil during the winter months will cause root rot.

Spring is the time toLift and divide large blocks of chrysanthemums, if necessary. As the first new shoots begin to show is the best time to do it. This periodic thinning of large pieces of chrysanthemum plants more vigorous and encourage more flowers.

Chrysanthemums should be planted about 18 centimeters to 2 meters (depending on the breed), and when they begin to grow, the tips are pinched to encourage lateral shoots, resulting in a bushy growth. This squeeze-out can be continueduntil mid-June. With many varieties, is squeezed by eliminating the need for expansion of the support system.

Encourage vigorous plant, adding a well-rotted manure or compost in the summer will help to conserve soil moisture, and all the rain that falls, the fertilizing element of mulch around the roots of plants.

Thanks To : Utility Heaters

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