Sunday, November 28, 2010

The easiest way to a perfect lawn, 10 Lawn Care Tips

There is nothing better than a lawn green and weed in your garden. A lawn can be used for many things - sitting, games such as croquet or cricket on, as a soft area for children to play and color to your garden. Learn how to properly care for your lawn and you'll be rewarded with a nice thick green lawn.

Here are some tips on how to care for your lawn properly: -

1. Cut the grass regularly - Today there are many mowersavailable and can be found for every budget. If you have a large lawn, it may be better to use a petrol lawn mower, then you're not limited by power lines. You could also invest in a ride on the mower. If you really do not have time to mow the lawn you can hire a gardener to mow the lawn regularly for you.

Mowing frequency depends on the season and the growth of the lawn. You have to cut frequently enough so that you do not cut more than one third ofheight in one cut.

2. Cut your lawn - the lawn should be about 4 cm (1 inch and a half) when mowed. Cutting your lawn properly maintain healthy, more resistant to disease and weeds sprouting seeds and keep green. Keep the grass so long also reduce the evaporation of water, the meadow to feed themselves and keep the soil shaded to help. If you cut the lawn too short, you may end up with a brown lawn - not a good look!

3. Keep it clean edges -How well do you cut the lawn will be dirty if you do not clean the edges. Use a wire trimmer or edge of the instrument at the edges neatly.

4. Rake the lawn - use a wire rake to remove dead leaves and aerate the lawn, so the sunlight can reach the grass. You can buy an electric aerator when a large area.

5. Aerate the lawn - to aerate a lawn is to add air. You can use a garden fork to make holes in your lawn and you can even buy special machines or forksRemove cores / cylinders of soil air in the meadow. You need to make holes at regular intervals - every 10 cm or 4 inches is ideal. Ventilation helps prevent soil compaction and allows water and oxygen to the roots of grass.

6. Water your lawn - water regularly with sprinklers, if you can make your lawn healthy.

7. Feeding your lawn - grass needs nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, in order to feed your lawn with a good quality lawn feed.Follow the instructions.

8. Restructuring - If your lawn is in poor condition, you can seed. You first need to aerate the lawn, you have been scarified. Be sure to remove all the leaves and moss raking up or with a leaf blower. After this, your lawn. Scatter grass seed thin and uniform throughout the area and the brush of air holes with a brush or a broom. If you go over the seed left the area again. You can dresswith some 'ground if you want to make sure that this well brushed into the holes. Cover with lawn fertilizer and make sure that water the lawn regularly.

9. Cheat and use of artificial turf - grass Some may seem very realistic and it's great if you do not have much time to spend caring for a lawn.

10. Enjoy your lawn - There is no point in a manicured lawn if you never enjoy it!

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