Monday, November 8, 2010

The Art of Bonsai

The art of bonsai has a long history and is difficult to identify precisely when it started. The origins of bonsai can be traced through the history of the development of bonsai in Japan and the first in China.

As with other forms of art, bonsai will be developed on the basis of the activities that were based on practical needs.

The idea of planting a tree in a pot was not fully formed spontaneously in a way. It would evolve over a period of time the impact ofOther ideas related to the cultivation of plants. In particular, the cultivation of plants primarily for their beauty of color or shape, combined with a lack of space to grow them would have been the origin of bonsai.

The origin of cultivated gardens date back many hundreds of years, until the area known as the Fertile Crescent, in what is now Iraq. The first recorded occurrence of cultivated gardens for the pleasure they provide seems to be the beautiful Hanging Gardensof Babylon. These gardens were famous for are built around 600 BC by Nebuchadnezzar II, and are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The Hanging Gardens recommended trees and other plants in containers. Large containers for sure, but the people of that time, apparently, had the knowledge and skills to grow plants in a confined space.

It would seem unlikely that if they practiced bonsai gardening in a form that would in any case, theart of bonsai as we know it today. The first reference to bonsai that has occurred in China during the Tang dynasty (618-907). But it is clear that the possibility of growing plants in containers has been developed as a standard practice over 2600 years ago, well before the hanging gardens were built.

A theory on the development of bonsai specimens with herbalists to transport the grass, began to grow in containers for this purpose. That is not a very practicalsolution in light of the vehicle at the time. To perform a number of small clay pots with plants on a horse or donkey, or even a machine would be more difficult. The practice of first drying of the leaves and roots is necessary and its implementation in this form provides a simpler and more efficient way to transport a lot, a method still used to this day.

The first examples of trees and plants are grown in small containers in China. L 'idea, introduced in Japan around 1195AD, and further developed and refined by the Japanese, the beautiful art of bonsai that are familiar to us today.

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