Thursday, September 16, 2010

How To Maintain a Healthy Fish Pond by Monitoring the Pond Water Quality

The quality of your pond water will determine the health of your fish, plants and overall health of your pond. Fish typically become ill when the water quality is not correct; for example a higher than normal ammonia level; nitrite level; a pH reading that is out of the normal range will stress your fish thus making them much more susceptible to disease. With fish illness, prevention is much easier than treatment. It is well worth your effort to try and maintain a healthy environment for your fish. As fish live in a relatively small environment any disease soon gets passed around to some or even all of the other fish. A common mistake is to think that clear water is healthy water and to try purely to achieve this goal.


The pH of the water is a measurement of acidity. It has a range from 0 to 14. If the pH is below 7 it is acidic, above 7 it is alkaline and equal to 7 it is neutral. A pond's pH will change naturally from time to time due to filter performance, KH (buffering) and levels of carbon dioxide in the water. The carbon dioxide levels come from fish metabolism, plant respiration, pollution and organic acids in the water and all lower the pH level of the pond water. Impurities in tap water also lower the pH level and therefore it is advisable not to use tap water if possible. Slight variations in the pH level are quite common and will not harm your fish but try to stick with a pH level between 6.8 to 9.0, these levels are ideal for goldfish and koi.


Ammonia is converted into Nitrite by Nitrosomonas (Nitrosomonas is a genus of ammonia-oxidizing proteobacteria ) Nitrite is converted into Nitrate (plant food) by Nitrobacter (Nitrobacter is a bacteria that is an important part of the nitrogen cycle ). Nitrites are highly toxic to fish and cause breathing difficulties. Nitrites are only controlled by water changes and correct filtration. Algae in the water consume nitrates as well as plants. To encourage your plants to send out roots and consume waterborne nitrates and phosphates limit the amount of soil you use for your potted plants or even use a soil less media. The amount of food you give you fish has a big influence on the amount of nitrates present. Only feed enough food that is eaten within a couple of minutes. The amount of fish you have in the pond is also a consideration, never overstock your pond as this increases nitrates and the possibility of ill health to your fish.


Alkalinity is the ability of water to resist (buffer) changes in pH. This is often referred to as KH buffering. Alkalinity (also known as Carbonate Hardness or KH) is the measure of carbonate and bicarbonate ion concentrations. An alkalinity value of 100 to 300 ppm ( parts per million ) is good. At these levels of Alkalinity the pond water will provide greater buffering and produce a more stable pH. If alkalinity is less than 50 ppm then wide pH swings are common and a major filter problem is imminent.

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