Sunday, August 29, 2010

Advantages of Rubber Mulch

Rubber mulch, which is obtained by processing old rubber tires, is environment friendly and a durable alternative to organic mulches. Millions of used tires discarded by the automobile industry have been piling up these years, but the invention of rubber mulch has put an end to this potentially disastrous situation.

The material is obtained after removing the impurities from rubber treads. It is superior in many ways to other mulches. Natural mulches like leaves, tree barks, wood shavings etc tend to decay and form an impenetrable layer of decayed material under the surface soil thereby preventing water and nourishments reaching the roots of plants. But this used rubber product would not easily decompose, and prevents growth of weeds and pests where it is spread. Further, it do not allow loss of moisture and nutrients from underneath the surface soil.

Rubber mulches have undergone quality upgrades during the last few years. Now color mulches, which are best suited for home gardens and landscaping, are also available in plenty. Mulches of different colors add to the charm of parks and gardens and make them more inviting.

Playground mulch is another form of rubber mulch. The material has brought down the number of playground related injuries to a great bit as it acts as a cushion. It is gaining acceptance in the racing arena too because of the sure footing it provides to horses on the move. Its superb shock absorbent and supportive qualities, durability and resistance to natural elements like wind, rain and heat have endeared it to many stud farm owners and jockeys. The military also has started using rubber mulch extensively in its training fields due to the cushioning effect it provides.

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